

身份:Master of Development Practice

1. 生活尚能习惯。
2. 语言障碍不是决定性因素。
3. 与合作单位合作尚愉快。
4. 与翻译助手关系良好。
5. 获得调查对象清单一份,选择附近的目标成功,联系成功。
6. 设计调查问卷完成。
7. 有蚊帐了。

1. 预算控制面临严重挑战。
2. 网速严重受限。
3. 交通出行仍存在不便。
4. 对调查对象的实际情况了解不足。
5. 调查过程将严重依赖翻译。
6. 对能否获得足够的问卷样本存疑。
7. 蚊子变多了。

*Transparency on Cooperative Governance*
1.       Age
2.       Gender
a)         Male
b)         Female
3.       How many members in your household?
4.       What is your education level?
a)         None
b)         Primary school
c)         Secondary school/High school
d)         Above
5.       In which part do you engage in the coffee chain? (Multiple)
a)         Plantation
b)         Processing
c)         Marketing
d)         Transportation
e)         Others ________________
6.       How long has your household been engaging in the coffee business?
a)         Less than 1 year
b)         1 to 5 years
c)         5 to 10 years
d)         Above 10 years
e)         I don’t know
7.       How do you think of your livelihood with your current income level?
a)       Good
b)       Normal
c)       Bad
d)       I don’t know
8.       How long have you been staying in this cooperative?
a)         Less than 1 year
b)         1 to 5 years
c)         5 to 10 years
d)         Above 10 years
e)         I don’t know
9.       Are you content to stay in the cooperative and do you feel your life improved in recent years?
a)         Yes
b)         No
c)         I don’t know
10.   How do you think of your income level compared to others members in the cooperative?
a)         High
b)         Medium
c)         Low
d)         I don’t know
11.   Do you think that you have extra benefit compared to non-members?
a)       Yes
b)       No
c)       I don’t know
12.   Do you know there will be at least two General Assembly meetings every year which you have the right to attend and have you attended most of them?
a)       Yes, I have attended
b)       I know it but have not attended
c)       No, never heard of it
d)       I don’t care about it
13.   If you have attended these meetings, do you feel that you have received sufficient information from the meeting and all your rights are protected?
a)       Yes, I have attained everything I need in the meetings
b)       No, I don’t think the meetings have given me enough things I want
c)       I don’t care about it
14.   Have you voted in the last election of board and committees?
a)       Yes
b)       No  (Reason)____________________________________
c)       I don’t care about it
15.   Are you familiar with the members of the board and committee before they were elected?
a)       Yes, I know them all
b)       I just know some of them
c)       No, I’m totally unfamiliar with them.
d)       I don’t care about it
16.   Do you have confidence in the honesty of the board and other committees?
a)       Yes
b)       No
c)       I don’t know
17.   Do you have confidence in the capability of the board and other committees?
d)       Yes
e)       No
f)        I don’t know
18.   How do you rate the current leadership of your cooperative?
a)         Perfect (5)
b)         Good (4)
c)         Normal (3)
d)         Not good (2)
e)         Disastrous (1)
f)          Don’t care about it
19.   Do you think the Supervisory committee is competent?
a)         Yes
b)         No
c)         Don’t care about it
20.   Does the board always ask for your opinion before any important decision made?
a)       Yes, always
b)       Sometimes
c)       No, never
d)       I don’t care about it
21.   Do you feel that your opinion is fully respected and concerned in the cooperative?
a)       I feel completely satisfied
b)       I think it’s fine but I need more
c)       My voice is neglected
d)       I don’t care about it
22.   Can you always receive your payment timely?
a)       Yes
b)       No
c)       Sometimes
23.   Have you received your second payment or dividend last year?
a)       Yes
b)       No
c)       I don’t know
24.   Do you know the proportion of the profit paid to farmers is 36% (Cocatu) in your cooperatives last year?
a)       Yes
b)       No
c)       I don’t care about it
25.   Do you think this proportion is reasonable?
a)       Yes
b)       No
c)       I don’t care about it
26.   Are you clear with the profit spent for other purposes, and satisfied with it?
a)       I know where it is spent and feel satisfied
b)       I know where it is spent but don’t feel satisfied
c)       I don’t know where it is spent but don’t care
d)       I don’t know where it is spent and feel angry
27.   Do you know the value of your share in the cooperative?
a)       Yes, it’s about _______________
b)       I don’t know right now, but I can know it if I want to
c)       No, I have no way to know that
d)       I don’t care about it
28.   Have you ever thought of quitting this cooperative and joining other cooperative recently?
a)       Yes, I’d rather join another cooperative than stay in this one
b)       I don’t want to stay in any cooperative anymore
c)       No, I’d like to stay
d)       I don’t know
29.   Do you think that your cooperative should be more transparent?
a)         Yes, many things should be improved
b)         No, I’m happy with the current status
c)         I don’t care about it
30.   From which approaches do you think the transparency of your cooperative can be improved? (Multiple)
a)         Know more about our rights and responsibilities ourselves
b)         Vote for the leaders who are more trustworthy
c)         Enhance the power and ability of the Supervisory committee
d)         Receive monitoring from government
e)         Receive outside monitoring from other organizations
f)          Expand the cooperative
g)         Contract the cooperative
h)         Others __________________________________________________